If you are interested in learning to fly fish this is the class for you. We will learn about equipment, knot tying, entomology and casting. You will also be comfortable using fly fishing terminology, be able to tie your flies onto your line, understand which fly to match to the emerging insects, and understand all the different types of casts and when to use them. This is a 4-week class meeting 3 Mondays in May, and one Saturday.
- Days: Monday, May 5, 12, 19 and Saturday, May 17
- Time: 6:00 - 8:00 pm Monday
- Time: 9:00 - 11:00 am Saturday
- Fee: $175
- Age: 13 - Adult
Students will be trying out various rods (every rod will cast differently) to learn the basic casts in fly fishing. We will practice 4 different casts and learn appropriate situations in which to use them.
- Dates:
- Session 1: TBD
- Session 2: TBD
- Session 3: TBD
- Session 4: TBD
- Time: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
- Fee: $80/Session
- Age: 8 - Adult
Call shop or stop by for more details.
Beginner Fly Tying Class - We normally hold our tying classes in the winter. This is a four week class will meet on Tuesday nights for 4 weeks. The class goes from 6-8 PM. This class will be taught by Bill Frangos.
Our Beginner Fly Tying class at Ed's Fly Shop is designed for the beginner fly-tier looking to tie their own flies. Bill Frangos will teach you how to tie nymphs, dry flies, and streamers. In addition to tying flies. You will learn about the tools and materials. No experience is necessary to join us for our beginner class and our intention is that you will walk away from the class with the knowledge and experience required to tie basic fly patterns.
- All materials, vise, and tools will be provided for students to use. If you have your own vise and tools, feel free to bring them to the class.
- Each session will cover several fly patterns and the surrounding techniques to tie them. We’ve carefully chosen a set of trout-specific fly patterns that will help you understand a range of fundamental fly tying techniques.
- You will learn the basic fly tying techniques necessary to tie nymphs, dry flies, and streamers.
- Bill will explain, in detail, the basic tools used in the tying process. He’ll also touch on setting up your fly tying space.
- You will learn and practice the elements of proportioning a fly with various materials, so that the finished fly looks and acts appropriately on the water.
- We will explore a variety of the materials that we stock in our fly shop, so that you become familiar with how they're used.
- The class will include tips and tricks that will make the fly-tying process exponentially more enjoyable.
- You will leave the class equipped with the fundamental skills needed to expand your tying.
Call the shop or stop in if interested.
Cost: $150