Returns & Exchanges
To start a return, access our return portal here.
Return Policy
We want you to be happy with your purchase! You can return new, unused, and unopened items within 30 days of delivery.
Refund Timeline: Expect your refund within four weeks of giving your package to the return shipper, though many refunds are processed more quickly. This includes:
- Transit time to us: 5–10 business days.
- Processing time: 3–5 business days.
- Bank processing: 5–10 business days.
To initiate a return, Contact Us with your order number and product details. We’ll provide instructions for returning items.
Please note:
- If a return is made without an exchange, shipping charges are deducted from the refund amount.
Exchange Policy
We exchange new, unused, and unopened items within 30 days of delivery.
Steps for Exchange:
- Contact Us with your order number and product details to receive return instructions.
- Submit a new order for the replacement item to ensure it doesn’t go out of stock.
- Refunds for the returned item will be processed once we receive it.
Return & Exchange Shipping
We provide a return link above to simplify the process for initiating a return. Follow the instructions in the link to complete your return quickly and easily.
Warranty Assistance
If your product has a manufacturer defect, we’re here to help! Contact Us to discuss the issue, and we’ll assist with the warranty process.